Fiery Orange with Wide Legged Bottoms

"The things we take for granted, someone else is praying for."- Unknown


Back in 9th grade, we used to have morning assembly meetings at my school in Kenya and I remember one of the teachers reading a quote that said, ‘your life is someone else’s dream’. WOW! What a powerful quote. I have to constantly remind myself to be thankful and grateful every day, not just for the big things but even the things I perceive to be small that other people are actually praying for. If we practice a lot more thanks, we find that we complain a whole lot less so I encourage you all to start practicing giving thanks for everything, even the things you perceive minute.

Photo Gallery

IMG_1329 IMG_1328 IMG_1325 IMG_1324 IMG_1323 IMG_1322IMG_1319 IMG_1317IMG_1327 Photo Credit: Edwina

The pictures in this post are a little deceiving because my hair looks orange; I kid you not, it is actually a darker shade of red. The reflection of the sun combined with the effects of the orange blazer make it appear to be orange. It’s not a bad look though, even though orange hair color is not exactly my cup of tea.

I don’t own any pants in my closet that are wide legged so when I came across these pants at River Island, I was a little wary about getting them because I wasn’t sure how they would look on me but they turned out great and I can’t wait to wear them again in the summer. The material is quite light and perfect for the hot summer days; in this cold weather, they have to be worn with some thick tights underneath. What do you guys think of this look?

 Outfit Details:

Crop Top - Mandee // Blazer -  Charlotte Russe; similar at Asos // Flared Pants - River Island


Until next time, stay blessed!



  “You will always be too much of something for someone: too big, too loud, too soft, too edgy. If you round out your edges, you lose your edge."- Danielle Laporte