Posts tagged OOTD
How To Style Olive-Green Jeans 3 Different Ways

Styling the same piece several different ways is the easiest way to save money and get more wear out of your clothes. When it comes to fall, olive green is one of my favorite colors and in this post, I show you how you can recreate many different looks just by keeping one piece constant.

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What’s the Hardest Thing About Marriage?

Marriage is not easy…it requires you to daily die to yourself; it calls you to serve, to compromise and to love unconditionally. If you are not willing to do any of these things, then don’t get married. At the end of the day, there’s nothing like having someone to share this thing called life with, someone to make important decisions with and to share life’s moments and laughter with.

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Why I Quit Blogging Many Times

A lot of people start blogging because they think it’s a quick way to earn extra money or they are looking to get free stuff from brands. Don’t get me wrong, all those are great things but if that is the main reason you start blogging, then you will soon realize that it’s not all fun and games but there’s a lot of hard work, time and money that goes into it.

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Giving Yourself Room to Grieve

There’s no such thing as getting over the loss of a loved one. It gets better each day but the void left behind cannot be filled by anything else. It’s as if a piece of you dies with them. It’s okay to give yourself room to grieve for them while continuing to live your life the best way you can.

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Essence Cover Challenge: Besties Edition

I am super excited about today’s post - my bestie (Edwina) and I are bringing you black girl magic. Some of you may be aware of the different magazine cover challenges circulating on social media. We wanted to pay homage to a magazine that honors and covers black excellence and that’s how we decided on the Essence cover. But instead of just doing a cover, we thought we’d address some of your burning questions in this post. Enjoy getting to know a little bit more about us and our friendship.

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Killing Your Joy With Comparison

Comparison will instantly kill your joy and gratefulness. It has a way of twisting your mind, so instead of focusing on every single thing that God has done for you, you start to magnify all the things that you do not have, and the result is discontent. We are all guilty of this. Comparison will keep you from being happy for others when they achieve their dreams.

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The Significance of the Black and White Photo Challenge as It Relates to Femicide

In recent days, there have been a plethora of black and white images posted by women on social media. This is a challenge where women nominate each other to post a black and white image of themselves and then caption “Challenged Accepted”, followed by the hashtag #womensupportingwomen. What most people don’t realize is that this challenge was started as a way to highlight the massive killing of women in Turkey.

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Why Marriage Is More Than Just a Piece of Paper

ve heard a lot of reasons (excuses) about why people do not think it’s necessary to get married and the most common is that “marriage is just a piece of paper” that doesn’t change how they feel about the other party. Come to think of it, if you are going into marriage thinking it’s just a piece of people, then you most definitely should not be getting married. Some people say marriage is just for tax benefits. Others say they don’t need marriage to show that they are in a committed relationship.

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Why You Need to Trash Your Goals and Work on Your Systems

“If you’re having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. The problem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves not because you don’t want to change but because you have the wrong system for change. You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems. What we fail to realize is that when we repeat the 1% errors day after day, replicating the same poor decisions, rationalizing mistakes, and so forth – this leads to toxic results. Success is a product of daily habits not once-in-a-lifetime transformation” (Atomic Habits, James Clear)

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Staying Fit and Healthy During Quarantine

Is quarantine turning you into a little piglet? You are not the only one! I started feeling like one after a few weeks of not working out and eating all the junk that I wanted to eat simply because I was bored. Let’s be intentional about scheduling time to work out but most importantly, to eat healthy. We can do this!!

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What Kind of Seeds Are You Planting?

The question I get over and over again is – how do you manage to do everything that you do on a daily basis? I’m glad you asked. Have you ever heard the saying, “If you want anything done, give it to a busy person?” I have found that to be very true. At the end of the way, we all have 24 hours and what we choose to do with it is entirely up to us. In this post, I’m sharing my regular routine that helps me stay grounded and get things that most people would not have time for.

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