Posts tagged fashion blogger
Why Marriage Is More Than Just a Piece of Paper

ve heard a lot of reasons (excuses) about why people do not think it’s necessary to get married and the most common is that “marriage is just a piece of paper” that doesn’t change how they feel about the other party. Come to think of it, if you are going into marriage thinking it’s just a piece of people, then you most definitely should not be getting married. Some people say marriage is just for tax benefits. Others say they don’t need marriage to show that they are in a committed relationship.

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A Birthday Recap, A Troubled Heart and A Glimpse of Hope

When people counteract the #BlackLivesMatter slogan with #AllLivesMatter, I say you are absolutely right in stating that all lives matter. HOWEVER, when we say that black lives matter, we are simply bringing to the forefront the issue that, for a very long time, black lives have not treated as if they matter. The #blacklivesmatter slogan simply means that all lives matter INCLUDING black lives.

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